Analytical Laboratory of Rhodes "Dimitris J. Oikonomidis"
Laboratory testing
Κύριες προσφερόμενες υπηρεσίες είναι οι δοκιμές διαφόρων προϊόντων και υλικών. Ενδεικτικά πραγματοποιούμε αναλύσεις νερού, τροφίμων, νερών κολυμβητικών δεξαμενών, λυμάτων και αποβλήτων και υγιεινής χώρων προετοιμασίας τροφίμων και εστίασης.
The laboratory is accredited by the Hellenic accreditation system. Certificate No. 57
We deliver health and safety assessments to industrial and other businesses.
Hazard analysis and critical control point assessments.
Quality systems implementation (I.S.O.)
We perform audits of all quality systems in various facilities, producing reports based on testing and field monitoring, in order to minimize risk.
We can organize educational seminars tailored to our clients needs, either in house, as well as distance learning. We can cover a wide range of subjects in the fields of food safety, water quality and sewage treatment.
Water treatment chemicals
We can provide the full range of water treatment chemicals according to each facility's individual needs.
- Swimming pools
- Water distribution systems
- Air conditioning systems
Sewage treatment plants
Health and safety
We have a variety of products for health and safety management in the food industry.
Seminars - Education
We have an extensive experience in educational seminars and specialized courses.
We can organize educational seminars tailored to our clients needs, either in house, as well as distance learning. We can cover a wide range of subjects in the fields of food safety, water quality and sewage treatment.
Subjects covered
- Facility water management, legionella prevention
- Swimming pool maintenance and monitoring
- Food hygiene (H.A.C.C.P.)
- Sewage treatment plant maintenance and monitoring
News - posts - comments (In Greek only)
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Ποιότητα νερών ακτών κολύμβησης Δωδεκάνησων – 2024
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Εθνικό Σύστημα διαπίστευσης // Ενιαίος φορέας ελέγχου τροφίμων // Ένωση Ελλήνων Χημικών // Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδος