Educational Seminars

   The Analytical Laboratory of Rhodes has organized numerous seminars, in the fields of food safety, water quality and wastewater management,
We can organize educational seminars tailored to our clients needs, either in house, as well as distance learning.

Subjects covered, but not limited to:

Dimitris J. Oikonomidis has over 40 years of experience through education and work. He has trained a great number of personnel in the field of food safety, water quality and wastewater management.

Evi D. Oikonomidou has extensive research work through her studies:
2004: Chemical Engineer diploma dissertation: “Chlorophenol biodegradation”
2006: Postgraduate dissertation: “Protocols and methods for the management of Legionella in water and ventilation systems"
2009: Postgraduate dissertation: “Multi- Reservoir Management using OpenMI”
Presentation in “The OpenMI-Life Pinios Workshop”, National Technical University of Athens and University of Thessaly
Presentation at CEST09 conference: Multi- Reservoir Management using OpenMI

2017: Assessing cyanuric acid levels for chlorine stabilization and effective disinfection in swimming pools, Αναρτημένη παρουσίαση εργασίας στο Διεθνές συνέδριο Κολυμβητικών Δεξαμενών και λουτρών υδροθεραπείας, 2-5 Μαΐου, Κως

2018: Οι προκλήσεις της διαχείρισης υδάτινων πόρων σε τουριστικές περιοχές, τη Ρόδο και τα Δωδεκάνησα γενικότερα, Παρουσίαση στο 3ο συνέδριο Αρχιτεκτονικής και τουρισμού, Ρόδος

She has provided education to personnel in the fields of food safety and water quality. She is registered in the Hellenic Food Authority's educator registry since 2015.